We have designed our courses for its easy adaptation to different styles and rhythms of learning, as well to the different needs of all students. The Common European Reference Framework greatly facilitated the comprehensibility to users of the information by presenting a table of global scale for the six levels.


Level A1:

It is acquired when the student is able to understand and use everyday expressions of very frequent use as simple phrases intended to meet immediate needs. When the person can introduce her/him, ask and give basic personal information about the home, belongings and acquaintances. The level is also achieved when the person can elementary relate if the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.

Level A2:

The level is acquired when the student is able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of expertise that are especially relevant (basic information about himself and his family, shopping, places of interest, occupations, etc.). It is achieved when the person know to communicate in order to carry out simple, everyday tasks that do not require more than simple and direct exchange of information on issues that are known or usual. When the students know how to describe in simple terms aspects of the past and the surroundings, as well as issues related to their immediate needs.


Level B1:

It is acquired when the student is able to understand the main points of clear texts and standard language if they deal with issues that are familiar, either in work, study or leisure situations. The level B1 can be seen when the person knows how to function in most of the situations that can arise during a trip through areas where the language is spoken. The level is achieved when the student is capable of producing simple and coherent text on topics which are familiar (or are subject of his/her interests). The person can describe experiences, events, desires and aspirations, as well as briefly justify their views and explain their plans.

Level B2:

It is acquired when the students are able to understand the main ideas of complex texts that deal with issues both concrete and abstract, even if they are of a technical nature, and if they are part of their field of expertise. The level is achieved when the student can relate to native speakers with an important degree of fluency and purity, so that communication is carried out without effort on the part. When the student can produce clear, detailed text on various topics, and is able to defend a point of view on topics showing the pros and cons of different options.


Level C1:

It is acquired when the student is able to understand a wide variety of texts and with some level of demand, as well as recognize in theme implicit senses. The person also knows how to express ideas fluently and spontaneously, without apparent effort to find the right expression. The level is mastered when the student use the language for social, academic and professional purposes, flexibly and effectively; and he or she is able to produce clear texts, well structured and detailed on complex topics, showing a correct use of the mechanisms of organization, coordination and cohesion of the text.

Level C2:

It is acquired when the student is able to understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Level C2 can be achieved when the person rebuilds the information and arguments from various sources (spoken or written language), and present them in a coherent and summarized way. This stage can be seen when the student express spontaneously, very fluently and with a degree of precision, which allows the student to differentiate small shades of meaning even in complex situations.