Level B1:
It is acquired when the student is able to understand the main points of clear texts and standard language if they deal with issues that are familiar, either in work, study or leisure situations. The level B1 can be seen when the person knows how to function in most of the situations that can arise during a trip through areas where the language is spoken. The level is achieved when the student is capable of producing simple and coherent text on topics which are familiar (or are subject of his/her interests). The person can describe experiences, events, desires and aspirations, as well as briefly justify their views and explain their plans.
Level B2:
It is acquired when the students are able to understand the main ideas of complex texts that deal with issues both concrete and abstract, even if they are of a technical nature, and if they are part of their field of expertise. The level is achieved when the student can relate to native speakers with an important degree of fluency and purity, so that communication is carried out without effort on the part. When the student can produce clear, detailed text on various topics, and is able to defend a point of view on topics showing the pros and cons of different options.